Support with Transport
If it has been organised by your school for your child/ward to use a Chances’ minibus to and from school they will be expected to do so. No student will be allowed to walk to and from school or use any other mode of transport unless agreed by the senior management and you directly.
If your child’s/ward’s behaviour is unacceptable or they cause damage to the vehicles it will be your responsibility as their parent to transport them to and from school.
You, as the child’s responsible parent, will be expected to cover the costs of any deliberate damage to vehicles.
Students Who Use Public Transport
Students are expected to use public transport respectfully. If Chances receive negative reports about behaviour from the general public or transport organisations, then students will not be allowed to use the public transport and either the parents/carer or feeder school will have to find other appropriate transport. If this is not appropriate then the student’s placement at Chances can be terminated.