Assessment and Reporting
Chances Assessment and Reporting
Our assessment system for students in Year 7 to Year 9 reflect two significant recent national changes:
GCSE assessments have changed from letter grades to numbers grades (9 to 1)
– This will affect all students in Year 7 to 9Removal of National Curriculum Levels at Key Stage 3
– all schools have devised their own assessment system for students prior to GCSE
Other features of the new GCSEs include:
Linear exams in the summer of Year 11 with no modules
Increased content and difficulty
Greater focus on quality of written communication
No coursework
At Chances we work with a number of schools and academies and therefore have tried to respond to these changes with the purpose of creating a system that is easy to follow but remains consistent whilst still best preparing students for their future exams. Therefore, we use GCSE number grades for assessment for all students from Year 7 onwards. This enables students, parents and staff to measure progress with respect to GCSE grades from 1 to 9. These levels can be found on the links below for the core subjects.
As students are often with us for only a short period of time we set, alongside the partner school, SMART targets, directly related to the work they are doing at school, but can be achieved in a shorter period of time. These more regular assessments take place throughout a placement and are reported home by the end of each half term. The report shows the SMART target grade and the current working grade during a students time at Chances.