Curriculum Overview
The Curriculum
The curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that the mainstream school plans for its students. It is still the responsibility of the feeder school to share the learning that they want the young person to undertake and support Chances fully in providing this.
The aims of Chances curriculum are derived from the overall school aims. They are for all students to:
Achieve their potential in as many ways as possible
Develop spiritual and moral values
Obtain a variety of skills and qualifications which will prepare them for the next stage of their lives
Be part of a happy community within which all will feel secure and valued
These aims are interdependent: they reinforce each other. The personal development of students and their ability to be part of a wider community, play a significant part in their ability to learn and to achieve. Development in all these areas is essential to establishing high standards of attainment for all students. To do this, the curriculum that we provide aims to be broad, balanced and relevant to all students as individuals and differentiated to meet their individual needs. It allows students to develop a wide range of knowledge, concepts and skills and equip them for the next stages of their development whether academic or to enter employment.