Celebrating Achievement
Celebrating Achievement
Celebrating Achievement and Positive Behaviour
At Chances we try to place a positive emphasis on what the school does to manage student behaviour. We believe our behaviour management promotes good behavioural habits that help our students to manage their own behaviour. Rewarding positive behaviour and good habits enable students to engage in learning, make good academic progress and sustain good relationships with both adults and peers. Chances support students to make responsible choices and set into place clear boundaries, to understand the effect their behaviour has on others whilst increasing student awareness to keep themselves safe, not only at school but at home, online and in their community.
To promote and recognise students good behaviour, Chances has developed ‘C-Praise’ to help us reward positive effort within the learning environment as well as social time.
‘C-Praise’ was designed with our students in mind. All staff can access the C-Praise System and are able to reward students for agreed positive behaviour with the appropriate amount of points in the areas they have excelled in. All students, along with key workers, can see how many C-Praise they have gained and what they have been awarded the points for. Therefore students and staff can monitor their progress and know what they are aiming towards. Staff are encouraged to have high expectations of all the students at the provision.
Once a student has received 10 C-Praise points they receive a certificate from the Chances staff team or their Key Worker
Once a student receives 15 C-Praise points a letter will be sent home to parents/carers informing them of their child’s achievement from the Head Teacher
Once a student receives 20 C-Praise a letter will be sent home from the CEO of Space or chair of governors congratulating the student for their excellent behaviour and a voucher worth £5 is included as a reward
Chances also look to link C-Praise points to each individual school with the aim that points converted to current feeder school reward systems
For some students, additional support may be required to help them establish more appropriate positive behaviour habits. This is where our Key Workers support, building professional relationships and offering guidance for the individual whilst also creating close links with parents and carers who can expect to have the support and extra contact with a member of the behaviour team.