Reporting an Absence
If your child is unwell and not able to come into school, you must inform the office by 8.30am (please see below for contact details). This is particularly important for young people who catch Chances transport in the morning.
Long-term sickness
If your child has a medical condition that will require them to be off school for a longer period of time, it is required, after 5 days of absences, that a doctor’s note is provided. Please continue to communicate with us on any updates or progress your child is making.
If your child is not going to be able to get into school by 9.20am please ring the office and inform staff as soon as possible.
Medical appointments
Medical appointments need to be booked in after school. In the event this isn’t possible please contact us immediately informing staff the details of your child’s appointment. Please only keep students away for the time needed and not the whole day.
Professional appointments
Where possible it is preferred that young people see professionals outside of school hours. In the event this isn’t possible please speak with your child’s key worker who will help determine when the most appropriate time would be. At times young people feel safer seeing professionals at Chances, if this is the case please communicate this with your child’s key worker who will be able to assist you where possible.
If your child is refusing to come into school, please call the office immediately and ask to speak with your child’s key worker or a senior manager. It is extremely important that communication between home and school is transparent; please do not make excuses for your child. Honesty is expected at all times, together we can try to overcome barriers to engagement.
Due to your child still being on roll with their feeder school, you must refer to the school’s holiday procedure.
How we monitor attendance
Each day your child is registered twice. Your child’s attendance is fed back to their feeder school weekly. If your child’s attendance decreases or there is consistent lateness you will be invited in for a meeting with Chances and a member of staff from the feeder school to explore how it can be improved. If there is consistent poor attendance then the Educational Welfare officer could be involved.
Important numbers
Chances – Red Rock (Dawlish) 01626 864412