Pupil Premium
Chances Pupil Premium
Chances Educational Support Services actively supports Pupil Premium students during their time at the provision. We have high expectations of what our students can achieve and we believe that no child should be left behind. We are determined to ensure that the students who attend the provision are given, in the short period of time they are with us, every chance to realise their full potential and aspire to be the best they can possibly be. To support those who are Pupil Premium, or entitled to Free School Meals, and ensure improved outcomes for them, Chances:
Has an overall ethos of academic attainment for all students – high aspirations and expectations for all with a focus on high quality teaching.
Identifies the main barriers to learning for disadvantaged students and implements interventions that will support in overcoming them. (These are recorded and kept for all staff to access in a Pupil Premium Folder). It also evaluates the effectiveness of interventions and makes adjustments as necessary.
Frequently monitors the progress of every disadvantaged student and when a student’s progress slows, puts appropriate interventions into place.
Creates a specialised staff position of ‘Pupil Premium Mentor’ to support disadvantaged students, as well as developing the skills of existing teachers and teaching assistants.
Holds a Pupil Premium Mentor meeting regularly with parents (once every 2 weeks). Discussions take place around issues the students are facing and things which Chances can do to remove these barriers. The findings from the meetings are fed back in a broad perspective to staff, and in more detail to the Headteacher and SLT.
Replaces some one-to-one Key Workers’ support sessions with small group work for disadvantaged students.
Ensures teachers know which students are eligible for Pupil Premium, highlighting students so that when staff mark a set of books they are aware of the books of disadvantaged students.
Uses performance management to reinforce the importance of Pupil Premium impact.
Has a senior leader in charge of monitoring the impact of the Pupil Premium strategy.
Has reduced class sizes.
Works with the mainstream schools to ensure support for individual pupils with key curriculum resources.
Provides pupils with increased opportunities for social interaction and enjoyment.
We hope that parents and carers of our Pupil Premium children will continue to work closely with us at Chances so that we can all achieve our aims. We also believe that many of the children who come to Chances are disadvantaged and we therefore work hard to ensure all the students in our care receive the support needed to break down any barriers to learning.
If you wish to discuss in greater detail with a member of staff how we can help or would like to inform the school of any additional information that would assist us in supporting your child, then please do contact the school.