Behaviour Expectations
All students/staff who attend Chances are expected to respect fellow pupils. 99% of students have usually had a difficult experience at home, with their peer groups or school and these difficulties can take time to work through. We ask all students to be tolerant of others and to communicate with staff if they find themselves struggling to cope within their peer group.
Inappropriate and abusive language will not be tolerated. Students will be challenged on language by staff. Students will be expected to take steps to improve their language. Persistent use of bad language will result in isolation during break time and lunch times.
Students will be expected to act respectfully and sensibly throughout the school day. Students are encouraged to communicate with staff if they find they have worries or concerns; staff will do their upmost to support and find possible alternatives that meet your needs.
Students are also expected to behave in a respectful manner while on offsite activities and travelling to and from school. Any student who brings Chances name into disrepute will risk their placement being ended.
Aggressive / violence towards staff, students or members of the public:
Aggressive behaviour and violence towards anyone will not be tolerated under any circumstances and could lead to the immediate ending of the students placement at Chances. At all times staff will ensure that the wellbeing and safety of staff, students and members of the public are our priority and staff will intervene where necessary.
Lessons & isolation:
All our students have the right to a calm and supportive learning environment. All students are expected to aid that by listening and following the instructions of staff members. If your childs/wards behaviour becomes detrimental towards other students they will be removed from the lesson and placed in isolation.