Subject Statements
English Subject Statement
English teaching at Chances is led by enthusiastic subject specialists who aim to re-inspire a love of language and literature in the young people who attend.
Teaching is delivered in mixed ability groups with the opportunity to work one to one, or in very small focus groups where needed. Stretch and challenge for the most able is provided in the form of extension activities and tasks designed to encourage deeper thinking. Furthermore, the use of a dedicated intervention teacher enables us to identify and work on gaps in a student’s knowledge (including phonics) in order to build their confidence and improve literacy across the board.
As students who are with us remain on roll with their school, the English curriculum at Chances mirrors that of our partner schools. In order to maintain their connection with school and to avoid them falling behind in their studies, students continue to study the text or topic they were working on at school. As we are a much smaller environment, our English staff are able to adapt schemes and resources from schools in order to best meet the needs of the individual student. Assessment occurs throughout a student’s placement using a range of SMART targets, RAG ratings and Conversations for Progress.
The value of independent reading is recognised here and facilitated through daily dedicated reading time. Students are encouraged to read widely and to keep a record that promotes fuller engagement with their chosen text and exploration of new vocabulary. As a school we are committed to developing our reading culture and are always looking for ways in which to improve our provision.
Science Subject Statement
Science is a body of knowledge built up through experimental testing of ideas. Science is also methodology, a practical way of finding reliable answers to questions we may ask about the world around us. Science at Chances is about developing students’ ideas and ways of working that enable them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation, as well as the use and application of process skills.
The teaching of Science is delivered in mixed ability groups with the opportunity for students to work one to one, or in very small focus groups where needed, through work provided from the student’s mainstream school where possible. Stretch and challenge for the most able is provided in the form of extension activities and tasks are designed to encourage deeper thinking. Students are able to develop their natural sense of curiosity for the subject and are encouraged to talk about their ideas and ask questions.
Chances delivers KS3 and KS4 Science; science leaders ensure that all students develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Teachers aim to develop in students an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries, helping them answer scientific questions about the world around them. Assessment occurs throughout a student’s placement using a range of SMART targets, RAG ratings and Entry/Exit Progress in each topic.
As students who are with Chances remain on roll with their school, wherever possible the Science curriculum at Chances will mirror that of our partner schools, or Chances will teach specific areas from its own Scheme of Work that have been agreed with the partner school in advance. As Chances is a much smaller environment, its Science staff are able to adapt schemes and resources from schools in order to best meet the needs of the individual student.
Maths Subject Statement
At Chances, we believe that the basic skills of mathematics are vital for the life opportunities of all our students.
In every Maths class there are students of differing mathematical ability. We recognise this fact and provide suitable learning opportunities for every student by matching the challenge of the task provided to the ability of the student.
By providing opportunities to apply their mathematical skills in different contexts, students will be able to work systematically to organise information, find patterns and ultimately solutions through independent and collaborative learning. Mathematics is integral to all aspects of life and it is with this in mind that we endeavour to ensure that students develop self-confidence in their ability to approach a range of mathematical problems.
The passionate and dedicated teachers at Chances draw on knowledge from a wide variety of mathematical topics, encouraging students to do the same. Students are skillfully guided to approach a problem from different mathematical perspectives or present the mathematics in different ways until they find methods that enable them to make progress.
During their time at Chances, students will study topics in line with the curriculum of their ‘home’ schools. In order to help students maintain momentum with their studies, they will continue to undertake work already started at the mainstream school. Students are also diagnostically assessed upon arrival, giving an accurate working level, and an immediate picture of their strengths and possible areas to work on. With every topic studied, students are assessed at the beginning and end of the topic, showing a clear picture of the progress they have made. Written feedback is given throughout each topic, and dedicated lesson time is given for students to respond to feedback and reflect on their learning. The smaller environment at Chances offers its Maths staff the opportunity to tailor work from schools and plan lessons effectively in order to best meet the needs and requirements of each individual student.