How We Deliver The Curriculum
How We Deliver
At the start of any package, students are set realistic, short-term, targets in each subject by their school. We will also complete initial assessments to help us level any additional work we provide. As students are assessed through their time at Chances their progress is reported along with measures for well being, attitude and effort.
Students are provided with relevant subject work by their school which the staff at Chances deliver. All staff at Chances work closely with the relevant subject leaders within mainstream schools to ensure that every student’s learning, continues as smoothly as possible during their time away from their main school.
In our centre-based support packages, students will study a minimum of 10 subjects providing them with the key knowledge and skills to be successful in their return to mainstream education. These subjects are: English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, PHSE, ICT, Physical Education, Cooking and Art.
Student’s learning within lessons is assessed regularly as is the regular marking of work. Additionally, Maths and English teachers provide extra support through a national e-learning programme, which highlights and targets areas of support.